
Of course, their characters acted like they were on drugs themselves. Were we really supposed to believe that "Freddy the Flute" was anything other than a disguise for a character who was probably named "Barney the Bong"? Ever wonder where they got the name "Lidsville"? Sure, you may think it's the fact that the show was about anthropomorphic, sentient hats, but wasn't "lid" also a slang term in the 70's for a quantity of weed?
Why do the horrors of Sid and Marty Krofft affect my generation so? It's not like it was the only show that was a thinly-veiled homage to psychotropic substances. Remember Scooby Doo? Shaggy was a stoner that probably spent most of his time baked out of his skull, but Shaggy and Scooby don't inhabit our nightmares. Nope, it's the creations of Sid & Marty Krofft.
I guess I gotta lay off the Nyquil.
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