Monday, September 20, 2004

Life in Phoenix

Here's the windshield of my car after a truck kicked up a rock and sent it flying. In addition to a quarter-sized crater, there are three radiating cracks (the longest over six inches).
This sort of thing happens so often, you can get glass insurance for your car (luckily, I have it).
There are other minor annoyances of the automotive variety that go along with living in Phoenix:
  • You need to replace your battery every 2-4 years - the heat just kills them.
  • You ever wonder how strong the glue is that holds your rear view mirror to the inside of your windshield? The heat here can melt it. Twice, I've climbed into my car to find the rear view mirror sitting on the dash.
  • If you do any type of off-roading (this includes some roads in so-called residential areas), you'll end up scraping past lots of plant life with all manner of spikes. This enhances your paint job with what we call "Arizona pinstripes".


At 12:56 AM, Blogger robsv said...

Glad you like! As for Skinny Dip, I found it very entertaining. I'm a big Carl Hiaasen fan, and this book has all you'd expect from Carl - fast-paced plot, wacky (at least wacky to people not from South Florida) characters, and villains that get their just desserts. My only complaint would be "Needs more Skink!"
You guys try to stay warm - I'd send you some of our excess heat if I could!
- Rob


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