Monday, September 19, 2005

Feel safer?

Ahoy, North Korea has pledged t' drop its nuclear program, includin' the pursuit o' weapons. Do you feel any safer? Me don't. I mean, is it just me, or didn't North Korea promise not t' pursue nuclear weapons a little o'er a decade ago? Call me silly, but me seem t' recall that on October 21, 1994 an agreement was signed with North Korea. The U.S. promised them money (and a light water reactor or two), and North Korea promised t' freeze their program. Arrr, it seems that North Korea lied. Instead o' feedin' the star'in' people o' North Korea, Kim Jong-il used the money on whate'er it is the 'oices in his head told 'im to. And they manufactured plutonium in secret. Aye.

Ahoy, now, North Korea is promisin' t' drop its nuclear weapons program in exchange for consessions. What's diffarnt this time? Will the treaty read "Simon Says Arrr, North Korea will not pursue nuclear weapons"? Gar.

Note: since today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, I piratized my blog entry. Arrr!


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