Friday, August 19, 2005

Unsolicited advice

This morning on the way to work, some chucklehead in a gray Toyota blindly swung into the lane I was in on the 202 in Tempe. She was totally oblivious to the screeching of my brakes, the sound of the horn, and the fact that she cleared my front bumper by maybe a foot. So if she's reading this, here's some unsolicited advice:

  1. When changing lanes, turn on your signal light, then before drifting over, check to make sure nobody is occupying the space you plan to be in.

  2. If you plan to move to another part of the country, be careful where you relocate. In some parts of the country, rather than beeping the horn or deploying a unidigital hand gesture, people deploy automatic weapons.

  3. Get the cell phone out of your ear and pay attention to the road: you might live longer.


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