Sunday, April 15, 2007

Pacific Time

I'm back on Pacific Time (if only for a week), here in Berkeley. I flew out yesterday morning - up at 5AM, at Dulles and ready for a 7:15 flight, but to no avail. US Airways (the crappy airline formerly known as America West) didn't even have an agent at the gate until 7AM. They boarded us after 8, and then we sat on the plane. It seems our flight had no flight plan. What they were doing for the past hour, I can't imagine, but we sat on the tarmac waiting for the ATC types to get us a flight plan. The five-hour flight was uneventful - I read and watched a movie on my laptop. I declined the "some sort of animal product on a croissant" they tried to sell us for breakfast. $5 - unbelievable. Well, pre-9/11 at least we had a right to complain about airline food - it came with the price of a ticket. Now, anyone that willingly pays for what they're slingin' in flight out to have their head examined.

I arrived in Phoenix about 45 minutes after my connecting flight left, so I had to get reticketed. Not to Oakland, my actual destination - no flights there until Monday. So they sent me to San Francisco. Another delayed departure, and another delayed arrival. I ended up at SFO about 4.5 hours later than I should have.

I met a bud from flickr out at Treasure Island to do some shooting - I got there a bit after 5PM. We did some walking around at the southern part of the island, then spent some time at the western part (looking toward San Francisco). I got some pretty good shots of the city, then of the headquarters building behind us (I'll post them on flickr at some point). After that, we headed back to the old gas station on the eastern side of the island for some night shots. Despite CalTrans' best efforts to screw up our shots (they have this annoying lighted billboard on the Oakland side that's lit up like a nuclear explosion), I think we did all right.

Left the island around 10PM, and checked in to the Durant. Not sure what I'll do today, but part of it will involve catching up of sleep.


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